Bettered and Bruised

I had a late start, and it was already gone 8 by the time I left the hotel just south of Birmingham. And I had some serious mileage to get me back on schedule to do. Giving up on the predefined map route, I picked the A38 and that was it. I going to sit in it and keep banging on the miles as best I can.

The plan want bad, but for one slight snag. The 16-24mph headwind. I ducked out of it a couple of times but it was there battering me over and over all day long.

For breakfast I dropped into the Tewkesbury garden centre as it was the first place a saw at a reasonably hungry time along the side of the road. I got lost in the fish tanks admiring the dead good fish while looking for the cafe, but the cafe was packed. I was surprised a little roadside garden centre had 30 tables, and nearly all were full.

The sausage sandwich wasn’t anything amazing, but the cakes, wow they were good! I had a brownie and it was so light and melting in the mouth. I also took a few flapjacks for the road, which also turned out to be as melt in the mouth, although not very flapjacky, very tasty also.

Down the road I followed the A38 into Gloucester, but hoped of it and onto the cycle route to tour the cathedral and docks. Some impressive sights.

As the A38 neared Bristol it was time to delay ways and I headed for Chipping Sodbury. The road was a getting a little busier than expected, but there was route 410 which followed the road. At the next entry point I pulled in and thud.

I was in a heap on the side of the road, aching, bleeding and wondering what had happened. All turns out that route 410 was put together by idiots who haven’t a clue about bikes as I learned once back on my feet and continued from then on down the road avoiding it. Every entry ramp was at least two and half inches above the road. These are the entry points you you hit at an angle and speed coming of a road, not whack and flicks the front wheel around and down you go. Muppet! Both legs were grazed, as was my left wrist, and cheek. My helmet took a good thud into the pavement but no visible marks. But my left knee was bleeding, and I really wasn’t happy about pretty much everything. So anyone doing the End2End, avoid route 410!

Nursing my wounds I looked around for a hotel. All seemed to close, but found one in Frome which was far enough off, and with good A road access. The snag being I had to get through Bath to hey there.

My route through Bath was fun. The toll bridge I enjoyed as it was free for bikes. The 25% climb after it wasn’t enjoyable in the slightest. Utterly cruelty at this point in the day and with my leg still bleeding. But I pressed on and got to the hotel just before 9.cleaned myself up and got a nice dinner in just before the restaurant closed. Good mileage considering.