Been a little quiet, but thought I would bring everyone up to date with the infamous Tour ride. Well, the night before I have no idea what was going on with me, sky high levels[…]
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Been a little quiet, but thought I would bring everyone up to date with the infamous Tour ride. Well, the night before I have no idea what was going on with me, sky high levels[…]
OK, a few goofs already. Firstly I couldn’t find a “sample” bottle do not taking one. That’ll get me in the dog house right off. And I’ve also not brought the correct blood/food is had[…]
The plan was sound, another solid day like yesterday along some A roads. It started well with a fantastic breakfast also and a very nice fruit salad. And the road to Glastonbury was pretty good[…]
Background info for those in the US. Over in the UK, we don’t have insurance as you know, and we have the NHS, so all the meds and stuff are “free” off the gov. While[…]
Well, as some of you know I’ve a “little” bike ride coming up starting this Saturday. So before all that, thought I would bring up a little training I did today mostly trying to figure[…]