Been rattling through the stats from my Lan2Paris ride, some interesting. Changed the front derailleur a total of 199 times, and the rear 4666 times, resulting in 29% Di2 battery used (which includes all the additional Di2 items such as wireless kit). Average cadence was a pathetic 69 rpm. Average heart rate was 131 bpm with a peak for the entire ride of 182 bpm (Mow Cop). Average speed was a dismal 16.99 km/h with a much more respectable top speed of 64.3 km/h (on way to catch the ferry, coming down Mow Cop only got up to 57.34 km/h). Total ascent was 5433m and calories burnt was lower than expected at only 28329. Total distance was 790.94 Km, and average BG was 6.15 mmol/L.
On notes about the tracking system…well it sucked. That needs A LOT of work on it.